Gus efter nyt gigantnederlag: – Kan godt være jeg er dårlig til poker, men jeg er dælme sjov!

Efter at have vejret lidt morgenluft i går, da det blev til et plus på lidt over $140.000, så tog Gus Hansens onlinenedtur igen fart i nat, hvor han led et par vederstyggelige nederlag til ‘Kagome Kagome’ og Kyle ‘KPR16’ Ray og tabte over $860.000.

Det skal dog siges, at det danske fyrtårn handicappede sig selv med en elendig internetforbindelse, der gang på gang smed ham af. Til sidst syntes det hele at blive for meget for Gus, der lod sig gå på af, at ‘KPR16’ tilsyneladende udnyttede situationerne, hvor Gus mistede forbindelsen.

Han beskyldte blandt andet sin amerikanske modstander for ikke at kende til almindelig anstændighed.

KPR16: whatariver
Gus Hansen: the last one or the last 18
Gus Hansen: ahh I forgot you play with an O8 computer right next to you
Gus Hansen: spits out percentages quick
Gus Hansen: on the river call last hand you had approximately 0%
KPR16: aproximately?
Gus Hansen: man I am funny
Gus Hansen: I am not very good at poker, but I am very funny
KPR16: ill give you that
Gus Hansen: thx – means a lot to me
KPR16: youre probably right
KPR16: you know a lot about bad calls
Gus Hansen: a lot of experience
KPR16: ive seen that line once
KPR16: i was playing $2/4 full ring limit holdem
KPR16: but probably the right move
Gus Hansen: you mean 2 stupid raises in a row followed by a fold
Gus Hansen: you wanted to bet fast lol
KPR16: yeah i bet fast a lot
Gus Hansen: but mostly when I time out
KPR16: i did not know you timed out that time
Gus Hansen: ohh no you didnt
KPR16: and the time bank pops up
KPR16: so unless you pull the plug
KPR16: there’s no faking
Gus Hansen: if I believe that one – you might have some real estate to sell me as well
KPR16: we are still checking down on disconnects right
KPR16: but that was not a disconnect
KPR16: that was a gus is typing
Gus Hansen: that one almost swayed me to think otherwise
Gus Hansen: and you sitting on the other side just waiting for it to time out so you could press the button as fast as possible
KPR16: dude
Gus Hansen: but hey it was my fault
Gus Hansen: only slightly scummy on your part
KPR16: you want half the pot?
Gus Hansen: nope
KPR16: then do not call me scummy
Gus Hansen: I would rather play someone who knows common decency
KPR16: happy to send half the pot if you disconnect